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American Superman Male Sexual Performance Enhancement Longer Sex Pills

(1 customer review)

  • Maximum duration of ejaculation
  • Strong Erection

 600  900


[Ingredients] Epimedium Leaf Extract,Cuscuta Seed Extract Cuscuta, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf, Asian Red Ginseng Saw Palmetto Beny,Mnira Pauma bark Extract Catawba Bark Extract, Catualx Hawthoin Beny.
[ Functions ] Restoless eneisv and ieikodikes blood improves the kidney function, solves impotence and the early ejaculation helps those who lifts but not firm lacks the ability to perform sex well,slow erection, increases the size of penis. firm lacks the ability to perform sex well,slow erection unscrews the size of penis. postpones the time of ejaculation.
Target Crowd : Male adults who are physically weak with a kidney dysfunction,penis shrinking and short ending ,easily ejaculation scarce sexual needs etc.
( Usage and Amount ) Take one grain of the ” American Superman” 10 minutes before the sexual intercourse.
[ Specification ] 100mg x 4 grains.
Expiration Time | 5 years
( Storage ) Sealed in cool and dry environment.

SKU: A000123111 Categories: , ,
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