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Stamina Plus and Super Dotted Condom

  • 3 Pieces Long Love Condoms
  • Tiger Type Surface Lubricated.
  • Super Dotted
  • Extra Strong

 150  200


Product Description:
Stamina Plus condoms are designed for pleasure and total reliability. Each Stamina Plus condom is 100% electronically tested and hermetically sealed for maximum protection and safety.

Comply to the highest International Quality Standard (ISO4074). For Family Planning and prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections STI(s). For single use only.


  1. Condom is made of natural rubber latex, which may cause allergic reactions.
  2. Reusing a condom may cause cross contamination and increase he risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections STI(s)
SKU: C00123111 Categories: , , ,
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