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New Reman’s Dooz 24000 Men Delay Spray Tester

  • Longtime Spray Tester
  • Reduces Sensitivity
  • Gives you a Longer Lasting Erection
  • Increases your Enjoyment and Confidence when Making Love
  • Increase her Enjoyment, Satisfaction and Desire



Dooz 14000 (Delay Spray with Vitamin E) desensitizes the Penis when sprayed to the head and works within 5 minutes of being sprayed. Once used you can have sex for up to 10 times longer than previously. Known as stud spray due to your ability to keep going longer and satisfy your lucky lady, giving her multiple orgasms.

Premature ejaculation is a common condition that affects millions (75 percent) of men at one time or another.
Dooz 1400 Reman’s Delay Spray with Vitamin E .

Usage: Use 15 minutes before intercourse 2. wash your penis first 3. Apply 3 short sprays on the penis . First on the top of penis , second on the center of penis & third on below part of penis

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