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Vigored Sidenafil Citrate Tablets 100mg

  • Used to increase sexual response and potency
  • To increase the sexual stamina
  • Made With 100% original herbs
  • Less than ideal erection size
  • Low Endurance
  • 10 Tablets

 1,000  2,500


Vigored’s Sildnefil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan is a combination of all herbs added to Vigored to increase sexual response and potency.

Vigored Sidenafil Citrate tablet is a sexual enhancement diet supplement used to increase sexual stamina. Available in Pakistan, Vigored Tablet products are powerful natural herbal sexual enhancement supplements.

Vigored Sidenafil Citrate Tablets 100mg Uses

Vigored Sidenafil Citrate Tablets helps men have sex if they suffer from erectile dysfunction or low sexual desire.

The powerful working function quickly shows results within 10-20 minutes and gives a magical result for 4 hours.

Vigored Sidenafil Citrate Tablets has added a new dimension to our perception of sex and sexuality

Vigored Sidenafil Citrate Tablets has created a new awareness of male sexual health

Increased penis length and girth

Buy Vigored Sidenafil Citrate in pakistan

You can buy Vigored Sidenafil Citrate in all Pakistan, Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, with cash on delivery with cheap price.

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